Siding & Trim

Peace of Mind

Siding and trim are the most common elements of exterior work . We take the time to walk through every step of the process with our clients, from the initial color consult all the way through to completion and final walk through. We are so confident about the quality of workmanship and the products we recommend that our 8 year warranty is unsurpassed up here in the mountains.

Our 7-Step Exterior Painting Procedure

Pressure wash the entire house using ladders to reach up high under the eaves and under any decks for a complete and thorough cleaning. When necessary we apply a cleaning solution or a stripping solution prior to power washing to make certain all wood surfaces are clean of any residue, de-laminating stain or peeling paint. If you have decks know that we will pressure wash the entire deck system. We will wash the decking, the posts and railings and the underside of the deck with complete attention to detail.
Create a smooth and uniform surface by sanding all wood areas that are rough or have raised grain, a common problem on fascia boards and siding that faces to the south here in Evergreen. Sanding is typically needed on window sills and on siding that is low to the ground or on a deck or anywhere that snow sits against siding for extended periods of time over the winter.
Caulk all large cracks, small holes and yes, all bird holes in the siding, fascia and trim. If the holes are larger than the diameter of a dime we use a hard epoxy to fill holes. This insures that the hole we fill stays firm and flat. Some painters will simply caulk larger holes and allow the caulking to suck back in leaving a concave surface. We caulk around any window and door seams as needed to block any moisture from penetrating into your home. We caulk large cracks at the corners and where siding meets masonry, sofit, flashing, exterior plumbing fixtures.
Mask off all glass; fixtures; concrete; decking and any other surface that should not receive paint. We cover all vulnerable areas with tarps to insure no over spray gets on roof tiles, flower beds, foliage, stonework or any landscaping whatsoever.
In some cases the wood has been damaged by the sun so badly that tannins are coming to the surface of the wood. In this case the wood needs to be primed with an oil based primer to insure that the tannins will not seep through the finish coats of paint.
All product is applied with two coats of paint that is sprayed on and then either back rolled or back brushed in to insure proper adhesion. The second coat is not applied until the first coat has completely dried.
You have our guarantee that the job site is cleaned up with all equipment stored out of site at the end of every work day. At the end of the project we always return all fixtures, ornaments and furniture to its original state.

Why Choose Us?
We Go The Extra Mile.

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