Complete Surface Preparation

Rappelling for Access

We have all the gear and skill sets to reach even the trickiest parts of a home. This side of the house had a tree really close to the structure that would not allow for ladder sets from the ground. The solution was to rappel down from the chimney.

We have seen it time and time again, other painters do not have the ability to reach difficult areas. What do they do? They do not perform. the necessary prep work and just spray on a thin coat with an extension pole onto extremely sun damaged wood. They do not sand, they do not caulk, they do not work the paint into the surface with a brush.

2. Steep Roofs are Common Here in the Mountains. It's a Snow Thing.
Knowing how to get the work done “at altitude” often means navigating tricky slopes.
3. And, High... Sometimes Very High... Ladder Sets Are in Our Repertoire.
When they start making short mountain homes, we’ll bring our short ladders to the job. Just sayin’.

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